Sustainability management and good governance

Säästöpankin brändikuva
  • In the Savings Banks Group, sustainability is managed systematically in accordance with the sustainability governance model approved by the Board of Directors of Savings Banks’ Union Coop. Sustainability is part of everything we do and it is integrated into all of our business areas.
  • The Management Group and Board of Directors of Savings Banks’ Union Coop regularly monitors sustainability management, performance indicators and achievements. Sustainability matters, such as economic, social and environmental responsibility and sustainability risks, are regularly on the agenda of the Savings Banks’ Union Coop’s Management Group and Board of Directors.
  • The Audit Committee of Savings Banks’ Union Coop presents sustainability matters to the Board of Directors of the Savings Banks’ Union Coop for approval, and the Risk Committee reviews and approves the estimates, targets and limits of ESG (environmental, social, governance) risks and opportunities as part of other risk reviews. 
  • The Head of Group Sustainability & ESG is in charge of corporate responsibility performance. This includes managing and coordinating sustainability, sustainability-related projects and communication as a whole, and taking ownership of operational responsibility for these areas. The Head of Group Sustainability & ESG is in charge of the Savings Bank Centre’s sustainability working group and steering group, and reports to the person designated as the sponsor for sustainability in the Management Group. 
  • The sustainability steering group includes representatives of the Management Group of the Savings Banks’ Union Coop and savings banks, while the sustainability working group includes sustainability specialists from the Group’s support functions and business units, representing broad expertise in various functions.
  • Savings banks integrate sustainability into their operations and participate in the implementation of the sustainability strategy and roadmap at the bank level, ensuring competence, training, resources and compliance with the guidelines. Stakeholder panels on sustainability are also organised for savings banks.

Sustainability policies and guidelines

The Savings Banks Group’s sustainability efforts are guided by the Group’s sustainability strategy, sustainability policy (pdf, in Finnish) and sustainability roadmap. The sustainability strategy includes both long-term and short-term targets. The five main themes of the sustainability strategy, and the related targets, also support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Our other key principles and guidelines include the Code of Conduct for our personnel, our Responsible Investment Policy, our responsible and sustainable lending principles as part of our lending policy, our principles concerning the diversity of the Board of Directors, and our equality and non-discrimination plan.

To protect employees, the Savings Banks Group also has a whistleblowing channel for reporting observed or suspected unethical conduct. Read more about how we develop employee wellbeing and competence.

We also observe good governance practices and ethical principles in our operations at the Savings Banks Group. We comply with, for example, the principles for reliable management and internal control, policies concerning conflicts of interest and the Code of Conduct. We prevent money laundering and corruption, assess and manage risks, in accordance with our principles and policies. 

The activities of the Savings Banks Group comply with the provisions of current legislation, orders issued by the authorities, the sustainable financial industry principles, good banking practices, good insurance practices and trading instructions confirmed by Finance Finland, and other internal guidelines.

We organise training on material topics to increase awareness and promote the organisation’s commitment to sustainability. Each year, our employees also participate in mandatory training on topics including the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the Code of Conduct.