Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc & Savings Banks Group: Half-Year Reports January–June 2024 will be published on 14 August 2024


Stock Exchange Release 
25th of April 2024 at 8 am (CET +1) 

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc & Savings Banks Group: Half year Reports for 1st of January–30th of June 2024 will be published on 14th of August 2024 as a stock exchange release and can be also found at www.saastopankki.fi.

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc & Savings Banks Group 

Further information: 

Karri Alameri 
Managing Director, Savings Banks Union Coop 
+358 45 656 5250 

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc is part of the Savings Banks Amalgamation and Savings Banks Group and operates as Group's central credit institution. Central Bank of Savings Banks' role is to ensure liquidity and wholesale funding of the Savings Banks Group via operating in the money and capital markets, issue payment cards, and provide payment transfer and account operator services.

Stock exchange

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